Finland's Kela will provide basic income for working or non-working Finnish


The Finnish Social Institution (Kela) has started to draw up plans to create a basic income model that would provide a guaranteed income for the people whether they work or not.

According to a report, the preparation's director Olli Kangas said the nationwide implementation of the proposal would give its citizen 800 euros a month. Once this proposal is implemented on a national scale, it is expected to revolutionize the social welfare system of the country. It will replace the traditional benefits that the people receive which means they will get a higher and better alternative.

Under this basic income system, all citizens will get paid 800 euros a month, which will be a taxless benefit sum free of charge. It will start at 550 euros in its pilot stage. Earning-based benefits would be obsolete under this model. The partial model will still have housing benefits, as well as income support packages. According to Kela, it will prepare the proposal by November 2016.

It may sound outrageous and unfair to pay each and every citizen a modest amount of income even for those who do no work. However, according to ZME Science, in a developed country, manual labor is less and less needed. This means people don't have to do the job they don't want to do just to earn money. This way, the can focus on what they truly want to do. President Nixon aimed to create a Guaranteed Annual Income back in the 70s. There is a large scale pilot of this model in Seattle and Denver. People didn't stop working, it made the economy of these state healthier, it increased administrative economy, it reduced bureaucracy, and it made key officials in the government perform more efficiently.

Other countries have implemented a pilot for this system. One of the best examples is the Netherlands. Also, the newly elected Finnish government is also aiming for a basic income economy.


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