MBD Financials: The Revolutionary Platform Redefining How We Harness the Digital Age to Empower Others

By David Thompson

Mar 27, 2023 02:49 PM EDT

(Photo : May Mahboob)

May Mahboob wouldn't say she has an entrepreneurial backstory, per se.

But, she said, "I've always had ideas. I could always take things and create something new out of them." 

Born in Bangladesh, raised in Astoria, Queens, and now based in Texas, May is the co-founder of MBD Financials, a decentralized, photorealistic, blockchain-powered Metaverse Business District that empowers individuals to create their own financial ecosystem.

The Metaverse Business District is revolutionizing the digital world with its groundbreaking, all-in-one platform that transitions from traditional web2 to the cutting-edge web3 space. MBD Financials users can engage in a variety of financial transactions and activities through a range of technology, from VR headsets to ubiquitous, easily-accessible smartphones and iPads.

May's success with MBD Financials can be traced back to when she attended college and entered the workforce at the same time. While a student, she entered the beauty industry with a job at Estee Lauder, received tuition reimbursement and ended up working full time while maintaining her status as a full-time student. 

"But what I realized was, I kept being promoted every six months or so," May said. "So by the time I graduated, I was already making a six-figure salary and was an executive. I was being promoted so much that I stuck with it."

While at Estee Lauder, May moved through the legendary company's different brands. When she was at Lush, she happened to take a trip back home to Bangladesh and got chatting with a cousin who lived in Singapore. They both realized there was no Lush in Singapore, so they got moving on bringing one there. 

They applied to open a Lush in Singapore, drew up a business plan and got a call back. A flight to Singapore followed as did interviews with bankers and VC firms. May and her cousin were up against 129 other applicants.

"I got a call about four months later-they had selected us," she said. "So I packed my bags and moved to Singapore. We grew it from the ground up and now we have over nine successful locations."

After living in Singapore for four years, May got a call and learned that her mother was ill. So she became a silent partner; returned home to the U.S.; and when circumstances allowed, began visiting Bangladesh. 

May in Bangladesh ramped up her social impact work with children and women. This built upon work that Lush was doing in The Gambia and Zimbabwe with ethically-traded products. 

Trips to Bangladesh became more frequent for May and she learned more and more about people who were born into "inherited poverty." 

Those born into inherited poverty could not escape its vicious cycle. And even if they could somehow break out and attend college, they would have needed contacts in the business world-which were rare -to land a job. 

May began working with an organization in Bangladesh that helped girls escape brothels. But once they were out, May found they had no place to go, no way to earn a living, no means for an education, and these girls were typically supporting a family. 

That's when May met her future MBD Financials business partner-author and activist Frederick Dahl, a resident of Sweden born in Sri Lanka. He was working to free children from sex trafficking throughout Asia, and also came from the world of tech, blockchain and robotics. 

That friendship set the stage for MBD Financials, which is heavily-influenced by the experiences that May and Fred had in Asia. 

The Metaverse Business District is a platform designed to use technology to help victims break out of the poverty cycle-but don't call it a charity.

Relying on blockchain, MBD Financials is supporting people in ways that transcend hard cash, where they can earn loyalty points and trade in tokens for items-clothing, basic necessities, food. MBD Financials also has a strong foundation in education.

At the heart of the innovation that drives MBD Financials is its first deliverable-a first-of-its-kind AI Cross-Chain NFT Marketplace. The Marketplace offers a one-stop solution for buying, selling, trading and auctioning products; services; NFTs; and digital twins. 

The Cross-Chain AI NFT Marketplace harnesses the power of NFTs to span the chasm dividing the virtual and real worlds. Supporting this effort at MBD Financials is cutting-edge AI technology that includes Hey May, a virtual assistant.

MBD Financials is revolutionizing the way we interact with digital assets. MBD Financials has the potential to shift the paradigm in terms of the way we live and work with our fellow humans to improve the world through tech.

"We always look for ways," May said, "to give back and pay it forward." 

Visit mbdfinancials.com to learn more. 

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