Forbes releases list of most-disliked NFL players in 2013

By IVCPOST Staff Reporter

Oct 22, 2013 08:37 AM EDT

This Reuters photo shows NFL football star Michael Vick of the Philadelphia Eagles, the most-disliked player of the NFL for 2013. (Photo : Reuters)

Forbes released the most-disliked National Football League (NFL) players of 2013 list. E-Poll Market Research produced the survey that was participated by 1,100 people over thirteen years old. Based on the survey, Michael Vick of the Philadelphia Eagles was ranked as number one of the most-disliked players in the NFL. While respondents said they were huge fans of the football star, most participants still remembered him as part of an interstate dog-fighting ring in 2007. He spent time in prison for his role but 53% still remembered the scandal.

The second most-disliked was Manti Te'O. Early this year, he claimed that his girlfried Lennay Kekua had died of leukemia but subsequent investigations revealed that Kekua did not exist. His girlfriend hoax was apparently remembered by 48% of the respondents. E-Poll Chief Executive Gerry Philpott said the stigma would probably stay with the San Diego Chargers player until he would finally prove them wrong.

Fourth on the list was Ndamukong Sun of the Detroit Lions who garnered 43% of the votes. Ben Roethlisberger of the Pittsburgh Steelers was fourth most-disliked while Mark Sanchez of the New York Jets ranked fifth.

The NFL has posted recent yearly revenues of at least USD 9 billion. A Forbes report in August said this made the NFL the most lucrative sports league worldwide. However, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he was aiming for USD 25 billion in yearly revenues by 2027.

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