
Former Google CEO To Launch Fund

Bill Maris, the ex-CEO and founder of Google willl open and start up a Fund. Former member and Google Ventures founder Bill Maris, who stepped down as CEO earlier in 2016, is launching a new venture fund and has raised slightly over $230 million.

Lady Gaga Vists Homeless LGBT Youth; Reveals She Suffers from PTSD

Lady Gaga cares about homeless LGBT youth. Super singer Lady Gaga opened up about a personal struggle during an emotional visit with homeless, LGBTQ teens in New York.

State Projects Equipped With Private Cash

It is private cash which makes some projects possible. The Economy and Development Ministry (EDM) is paving the way for the creation of an Infrastructures Fund, which willbe included in the European Commission's so-called Juncker Plan for financing projects of public interest with private participation.

NATO Upholds Fair Member Expenditure

NATO is making stand for fair member expenditure with US leasdership. Unto the next year, 2017 will be a year of action for NATO. At the NATO Summit in Warsaw last July, our leaders agreed on the next steps for strengthening our deterrence and defense capabilities, and to project stability beyond our borders.

Latest News

Apple is urging the US government to open its mind towards the advantage of self-driving cars. There are so many clues and sources providing detailed leaks sharing that Apple might be developing self-driving car technology.
To combat with the online hate speech cases as EU lawmakers are now drafting laws against them. European (EU) lawmakers accused Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft of dragging their feet when it comes to combating online hate speech, and threatened to pass new laws if the companies do not make good on their promise to remove hateful comments within 24 hours.
International scientists and physicians met in Texas for the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, a collaborative effort among cancer experts to present the latest researches on breast cancer.
The Green Climate Fund, a financial mechanism to support projects related to climate change, has been severely underfunded despite large donations from various wealthy nations. The problem has hindered the organization from successfully implementing its projects.
Here are four ideas for you to take advantage the historical low tax rates. If the plans come to pass, people who live off their investments, like retirees, will have to worry less about taxes and they'll have more options, especially in the bond market.
In investting there are a lot of uncertainty of doing it but here are some ideas for you on making your investment for the year 2017.
Research says that the price target of RFC had gone higher thank the usual by the Deutsche Bank. The Regions Financial Corp. had its price target increased by Deutsche Bank AG from $10.
According to a study during the presidential election, Donald Trump had got his high votes from area which are mostly affected by drugs and alcohol abuse.
Regions, Travelers and Popular will now be trading their ex dividend for their respective dividends. They will all pay their quarterly dividend.
Housing and Development Bank puts emphasis on four major sectors; medical, agriculture, food, and energy sectors.
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