
Google To Discount $50 on Nexus Line Smart Phones As Valentine Day Promo Offer

Google is always pioneer in offering innovative promotional measures. In a similar, it has reduced Nexus 5X and certain color containing 6P model prices by $50 dollar. Combining this discount offer with previously declared $30 price cut has made the devices cheaper and within the capability of mid income group. However, buyers from Europe seem to be more beneficial since the discount amount remains higher there.

UK Insurance Industry Discuss the Issue of Autonomous Car on Public Road

Association of British Insurance (ABI) will lead the newly created Automated Driving Insurance Group. The group is established to discuss issues regarding driverless car.

Lead Contamination Ohio Water: EPA Smells Falsified Report, Suggests Criminal Investigation

Presence of lead beyond acceptable has plagued Ohio and as the aftermaths, the schools of this remain closed for the straight 3rd day. Before Ohio, Michigan has reported tumbled with the same issue. But after conduction of investigation, the Ohio EPA strongly believes that the operator in water treatment plant of Sebring village has presented falsified test reports. The agency has sought legal assistance from the US EPA’s Criminal Investigation Division.

Facebook growth in 2016 will focus on video advertising, Instagram, and Oculus Rift

Facebook is expected to announce its fourth-quarter earnings soon and analyst are expecting that the company will deliver a better than expected report. The company is also expected to boost its revenue this year through the expansion of its video advertising, Instagram, and Oculus RIft.

Latest News

Four years of drought in California is recorded as one of the most severe. The drought has taken effect on U.S. wine industry, as the amount of grape harvested is reduced significantly.
Toyota Motor is seriously contemplating a buyout of Daihatsu Motor Co., which would give the company direct access to Daihatsu’s 660 cc mini vehicles. This investment would fetch Toyota great returns in the emerging markets and also enable leveraging of the low-cost production model that has long been Daihatsu’s competitive advantage.
Unicorn is a term defining a startup company with over $1 billion valuation. Now, there will be other group of tech startups defined as "rabbit" to differentiate them from unicorns-overhype that become unicorpse.
Three stores in New York will be converted to Starbucks stores, one store in Beverly Hills will be closed completely, one other in Seattle will remain open. More than 350 retail locations will also continue to sell the Teavana products, and some of the menus will be incorporated into Starbucks' menu.
When we say TotalBiscuit, it’s the video game YouTuber John Bain. He bids an emotional goodbye to social media citing that he is not able to accept criticisms among other reasons.
Mozilla has introduced a new version of its browser on Tuesday that allows push notifications even from unloaded sites. The new feature is super useful for websites like email, weather, social networks and shopping, which are usually frequently browsed for updates. This saves battery life and system resources. Through introducing the updated browser, Mozilla also keeps its earlier commitments, pledged along with other browser makers, for dropping RC4 support in 2016.
With the increase of the penalty for uninsured people that will soon be applied, young adults are having a hard time to choose between the high cost of insurance or the bigger fines for not having premiums. The fine amount is now doubled compared to the one in 2015. This is an effort by the administration to encourage people to get health coverage.
US oil explorers are expected to report a combined loss of about $14 billion for the year 2015, as a result of the sharpest oil price slump in a generation. Bankruptcies and disappointing debt exchanges have led the oil explorers to cut thousands of staffs, trim dividends, and abandon drilling projects to preserve capital and resist insolvency.
Apple is currently working to offer subscription-based content for its news app and is working with publishers to enable the pay wall. The new feature will put the app stand out compared to other news app available in the market.
JPMorgan Chase is all set to revolutionize the concept of ATM cash withdrawals. The bank will introduce the new system in the form of e-ATMs which will basically render bank cards redundant. The machines will dispense cash via a simple mobile app, in different denominations like $1, $5, $20, and $100 bills. At the same time, Chase has increased the withdrawal limit by three times, at $3000.
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