
Cheaper Chinese imports, sluggish demand force Tata Steel to slash 1,050 jobs in UK

India-based Tata Steel is reducing manpower by 1,050 in the UK operations. Tata Steel is among other steel producers suffering from falling steel prices and cheaper imports from China. The UK steel industry is urging European Commission to take necessary action against unfair trade imports.

China to combine 40 entities to work on $22 billion plan-engine project

China, as part of a wider drive into progressive industries to boost its GDP growth, plans to combine over 40 entities to work on the giant $22 billion plane-engine project. Under the plan, the government of China along with companies like Aviation Industry Corp. would invest 35 billion yuan.

Amazon drones to hover in your backyards and drop off packages within 30 minutes

Amazon is currently working on its Prime Air drones, which will revolutionize the concept of online shopping completely. These drones have an in-built sense-and-avoid technology that allows them to reach their destinations unharmed, and deliver online orders within an unbelievable 30 minutes.

Child Labor: Major device makers including Apple, Samsung, and Microsoft were reportedly involved

The child labor reported is taking place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in cobalt mines. The estimation says that about 40,000 children are working for the mines. Companies listed in the report gave various responses following the accusations.

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Time Warner Cable raises its cable and internet rates in New York after its $55 billion merger with Charter Communications got approved.
Gold supplies peaked at 3,155 tonnes in 2015, while global gold production is expected to fall 3 percent in 2016, which means prices could increase this year.
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Malaysia’s Petronas will cut $11.4 billion from its capital and operating expenditure for the next four years as rout in oil prices continues, sending Brent crude price to $28 per barrel.
Japan gave the go signal for the 2012 clean energy projects that could produce up to 85,550 megawatts of renewable power, the bulk of which is from solar energy.
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South Korea’s Ministry of Environment will file criminal charges against Volkswagen AG’s Korean office head, citing that the car makers proposed plan falls short from the country’s legal requirements.
Mitsubishi Research Institute and UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities plans to raise 50 billion yen to revive struggling Japanese megasolar power plants.
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