JPMorgan alerts Japan Inc to brace up for ¥100/USD
JPMorgan Chase & Co has alerted Japan Inc to gear up for the surge in Yen against the US dollar. JPMorgan Chase forecast Yen will reach 100 yen against a US dollar. However, it says the rally in currency may not sabotage the Japan industry.
Budget legislation nearing approval for More Budget to fight Wildfires
Budget legislation closes in on an additional $610 million to fight wildfires in 2016, which still needs approval by the Congress. According to ABC News, the budget will be given to the US Forest Service, which spent $1.7 billion in extinguishing fires in 2015.
Ways to produce money in college with no job
For a college student, it is exceptionally hard to manage studies and a regular job simultaneously. But at the same time, the need for money also raises the stress level of a student who wants to be financially independent regarding their pocket money.
Samsung announces the new Galaxy A9 with 6 inch display
Samsung has announced the new high-end smartphone in the Galaxy A lineup, called the Galaxy A9. The new smartphone was announced this week in the Galaxy A Party event in China after its specifications and design were leaked for several times in the past few weeks.