Roche, the leading maker for cancer drugs announced that they are buying Constitution Medical Investors (CMI) with initial offer of $220 million plus contingent payments which will be made in the future. It is said that the contingent payments would be based on the milestones that would be achieved in the future, though representatives from Roche did not give further details on the claim.
Constitution Medical Investors (CMI) is a US developer which specialized in testing systems specific for blood diseases like leukemia and anemia.
With the merger of Roche and CMI, it is said that it further strengthen Roche's hold as the leader in laboratory hematology testing. The estimated global market is at $2 billion.
At the time of the sale, CMI was developing the "Bloodhound" technology, which increase the efficiency and would save laboratory space by replacing numerous working station and placing them as a single compact unit.
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