Final Fantasy XV Release Date: Direct Hajime Tabata explains black outfit of lead characters


Final Fantasy XV has been a talk of the town for the longest while. Now that the game is already confirmed of actually happening, fans are encouraged to understand the entirety of the story, especially the four lead protagonists.

According to Yibada, given that many details about Final Fantasy XV have gone all across the web, from the trailers to the new colossal enemies and new car features, Square Enix's title has become immensely viral on numerous levels. That being said, Final Fantasy XV has more information to offer to the world, one of which would be why the four lead characters are all fashionably outfitted in black.

It was delivered by Kotaku that Director Hajime Tabata explained as to why the four male protagonists of the series are all uniformed and dressed in black. He said that this is the official battle gear of the Kingdom of Lucis. Moreover, Noctis is originally part of the royal family whereas the other three characters are segments of different Lucian national organizations, each wearing the detailed type of battle dress that corresponds the stations that they are from.

Game Spot noted Tabata's elaboration of the color's significance to the Final Fantasy world. "In the Kingdom of Lucis where our heroes reside, the color black has historically been treated as a special color. Because of this, the attire of the royal family and those in occupations closely tied to them are unified by having black as a base coloring," he explained.

"This part of the lore is the reason why the outfits of all four main characters are black. For the finished game we also intend on having their clothing having effects in battle and not just being a part of the world and its background. So watch out for that too!"

As for the release date of Final Fantasy XV, no specific mark has been disclosed, except for the estimate that it will indeed be before 2017. Stay tuned for more updates on Square Enix's upcoming title.

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