Say Goobye to Chrome: Google will be Merging Chrome and Android OS by 2017


Google Chrome could be forever gone as Android is being prepared to be an all-around operating system, operating on desktops too.

Chrome is currently the desktop operating system that Google's desktops - Chromebooks - run on, but Android will soon be replacing that with a desktop version of the popular mobile OS, CNet Reports.

This new merged operating system will be launched by 2017. The company will spend the expanse of 2016 working on the software and will reveal it as soon as a working model is achieved. The most exciting part is that the new Android desktop OS will be available to non-Google laptops and desktops.

Android's security has been viewed to be problematic as Android devices obtained an "abysmal security score" of 2.87 out of 10 in the University of Cambridge's study conducted to test the phone's ability to protect its users information. Hopes are high that the Android desktop OS will be a more secure system than what Android currently has, says Tech Insider.

One of the biggest challenges will be transforming the touch operated smartphone and tablet OS user experience into one that will involve cursor activity. At the moment, it is hard to concretely imagine what that experience may look like, but left to Google's line up of developers, Google fans are anticipating to see something completely different.

The soon to be phased out Chrome OS is a limited one, which studies show to comprise of only 3 percent of the laptop field. According to Latin Post, Android has dominated the smartphone market, powering 4 out of every 5 smartphone handhelds around the world.

Chromebook laptops are still foreseen to be built by the company, but it will sport a new name as soon as the Chrome/Android OS hybrid is released. Google continues to insist that its plan is not to kill off their version of the laptop, but to further improve it to make the experience for their users more pleasant and exciting.

Google News, Android News

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