Battlefield Hardline: Blackout DLC Features Discussed; Series to Have More Paid Expansions in 2016


Battlefield Hardline has been known to be one of the more noticeable first-person shooters to date, many gamers have felt the beautiful attributes bestowed upon the title for the past downloadable contents. Now that another downloadable content update is upon the fans, gamers are to be oriented on the seemingly unending array of plus factors that Electronic Arts has given to the franchise.

According to Master Herald, Battlefield Hardline has stayed strong over the past number of expansions and throughout the entirety of the franchise, fans have enjoyed every bit of it. Now that another downloadable content is publicized, gamers must brace their selves for the new Blackout expansion that takes the players to a darker set of challenges.

Delivered by Game Reactor, Electronic Arts has been noted to have announced a free expansion for the traditional good-versus-bad title of Battlefield Hardline entitled Blackout. The title may give away a little bit of what the expansion will be about, but it is indeed an inclination to a nighttime-based update. The new downloadable content will have its own share of new weapons, gadgets and improvements, which will surely make the title much more appealing than it already is.

Delivered by Game Spot, Electronic Arts was quoted to have somewhat teased fans on their take of the new downloadable content, saying, "What happens when the lights go out, and criminal and police factions are forced to face off under the slimmest sliver of light? Find out yourself." The Blackout expansion presents fans Night Vision Goggles, two brand new weapons for all classes and factions-with a new version of the RO933, as well as a new Battle Rifle and new music, assignments, camos patches and a lot more.

Blackout has been said to have additional improvements to Hardliine's Spectator mode, however, Electronic Arts has not spoken about it for the time being. The Battlefield Hardline: Blackout downloadable content is now made available for free, following the previously released paid expansions, Criminal Activity and Robbery, and comes before the upcoming paid add-ones, Getaway and Betrayal, which is set to launch in 2016.

Battlefield:Hardline, Battlefield hardline news, Battlefield hardline updates

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