Google's Latest Feature Can Reply To Your Emails


Google has launched a new feature that has the capability to automatically reply to your emails on your behalf.

The latest feature named Smart Reply by the Google team uses artificial intelligence to scan the email, understand what it says and come up with three short answers for it. The user can then select one of those three answers and send it as a reply to that particular email with a single tap.

The service is present on Google's Inbox for Gmail app, utilizing this so-called machine learning. It is where a computer analyzes large amounts of data and continues to adapt and improve its responses. Future responses to emails will be enhanced which depends on the options being chosen or not, according to CNBC.

"What we realized is on mobile the actions that we take in writing emails are very short and typically very action-orientated," Amit Singh, Google's president of enterprise business, uttered in Web Summit in Dublin.

Behind the scenes, the feature took a bit of hard work and programming to get it onboard and working for all Gmail users. It uses machine learning techniques to find out relevant responses to various kinds of emails.

"For those emails that only need a quick response, it can take care of the thinking and save precious time spent typing. And for those emails that require a bit more thought, it gives you a jump start so you can respond right away," according to the blog of software engineer Bálint Miklós, Mashable reported.

The team is determined to improve Smart Reply as time passes and as more and more people begin using it. Google also quoted that the features response sense will improve depending upon the responses you choose and don't choose.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence is nowadays the field of common of interests for the world's top tech giants including Facebook and Apple.

Smart Reply will officially be rolled out later this week on Google play and App store in English as announced by Gmail Blog.

It's too early yet so it will be difficult to analyse how much big of a difference this feature will make in responding to emails but it surely offers a look at how much seriously Google is working to make use of artificial intelligence for the ease of their users.

Google, Facebook, Apple

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