Asiana crash furrows tech pathway


The Asiana Airlines accident halted more than just flight bookings or travel package reservations. Along wing the Boeing 777 plane crashed the link between the East and West's technology hubs.

Unknown to most Americans, Asiana Airlines is the second largest airline company in South Korea. Once touted as the country's flagship carrier, Asiana expanded to become the one of the major gatekeepers to North America.

Located in one of the world's most technologically advanced region, Far East Asia, South Korea houses several giant names in the technology industry. Companies like Samsung and LG are based in the country. Asiana Airlines is one of the few carriers which offer direct flights from Seoul to San Francisco, where Silicon Valley is located.

Intel, Facebook, and Google have offices in San Francisco.

For the past 25 years, the technology industry's meccas were linked by Asian carriers such as Asiana. Due to recent reports of Asiana's stocks plummeting to record lows, analysts believe that the accident might cause only a dent in the industry's transpacific connection. However, any activity from the airline industry in the future will definitely ripple towards the technology market.

Research, San Francisco, Silicon Valley

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