'Stand Your Ground' law under fire


The recent acquittal of George Zimmerman has disturbed a hornet's nest on Florida's 'Stand Your Ground' law. This law justifies the use of force in self defense if an individual has reasonable belief to be facing an unlawful threat.

The jury though did not rely on this now controversial law to acquit the neighborhood watchman, but this was the cause why the police did not charge Zimmerman for gunning down teenager Trayvon Martin.

The said law was passed back in 2005 and similar laws have been passed in several other states. Since the Martin case had become headlines in the United States, the said law has been sought by many to be either amended or withdrawn altogether. Even supporters such as the National Rifle Association have stopped its advocacy for the continued enactment of the law.

Amongst the most vociferous critics of the law is the NAACP. The organization has called on the US Justice Department to charge Zimmerman with a civil rights violation. Many observers are likening it to the Rodney King case, where another African-American was subject to police brutality but policement were acquitted by a jury in California. This resulted in widespread protest leading to vandalism and property destruction reaching the millions, affecting the California economy as a whole.


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