Yahoo! Mail now allows Gmail accounts access


Two months before, Yahoo declared a new Yahoo Mail app which supports Hotmail, AOL and Outlook accounts. Now, Gmail has joined too.

Yahoo Mail is also best email service provider like Gmail or Hotmail. But recently Yahoo has added new features. Now it's available on the app for mobile and desktop. The new app will fetch the latest 200 emails when you add it. It's able to access all entire Gmail contacts and attachment files.

The company hopes that with this expansion, it can attract more clients to its email service so that they can experience the Yahoo's search capabilities of Mail with bunches of additional new features.

The best features of the Yahoo Mail, the developers introduce a new and smarter contacts manager that'll automatically add email recipients based on the history of Gmail with the new password-free Yahoo Account sign-in method. All contacts will add to the active address book.

In fact, with IMAP support, if you want to join your emails across various addresses, Yahoo can be the central repository of all content like photos, e-commerce receipts, emails, and more.

The important question would be why the user will use Gmail in Yahoo Mail. Yahoo has already ready to provide some answers like the quick search feature, a contact manager, composing emails, fill with pictures and videos and emojis, according to SlashGear. This feature is available for both web and mobile app.

Yahoo's senior VP of communications products Jeff Bonforte said, "It's the only database universally owned by the user."

Here are some steps to follow. First you have to login to your Yahoo Mail account. Afterwards, you'll enter your email address and password. Then, you'll get a push notification on your phone asking to accept or deny the login request. Click on accept button, and you will be successfully logged in, according to Engadget.

Dylan Casey, VP of Product Management at Yahoo, San Francisco, said, "Account Key is a metaphor for how a user will verify their identity."

According to TechTub, Yahoo ensures that if you import your emails of your Gmail and Google Apps accounts, you'll be able to take advantage of Yahoo's search capabilities.

Yahoo does make one logical reason. If the users have more than one email, accessing them all from a single location might save a lot of trouble. Gmail support in Yahoo Mail is available today in both iOS and Android app store.

Yahoo, Google Apps

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