‘Avatar 2’ Update: Director James Cameron working hard at sequel scripts to prove ‘Avatar’ wasn’t a “big fluke”


"Avatar" director, writer, and producer James Cameron is working overtime refining the screenplay for all the Avatar sequels. The award-winning director is currently in the process of taking another pass at the scripts for Avatar 2, 3, and 4. In a recent phone interview with Entertainment Weekly, Cameron revealed he was on the process of refining the scripts. He shared that the process of fine-tuning the screenplay is concurrent with the design process. Cameron and his team have been working on production design for more than a year now. He has also confirmed that every detail design-wise is "pretty much set".

Cameron admits it took a long time for the first Avatar to make it into the screen. Even in the early stages of production, he was at odds with some studio executives who were hesitant to meet his technological demands for the film. Issues like production delays, cost over-runs, and even Twentieth Century Fox almost backing out as film distributor almost made Avatar impossible to complete.

When asked whether the process has now become easier for the sequels, he said that it was still a huge challenge. He accepts that "expectations are going to be very high" especially on the upcoming sequel, and he wants to make sure that the original Avatar "wasn't just some big fluke".

Without a doubt, Cameron has been feeling the pressure to step up and replicate the success of the first Avatar film. When it came out in 2009, Avatar was a movie marvel due to the sophisticated level of technology and visual effects Cameron and his production team used to tell the story. It certainly brought an otherworldly factor and made the world of Pandora come alive before the eyes of the audience. Avatar was a blockbuster and is currently the highest grossing movie of all time in the US and worldwide, earning more than $2.7 billion, according to The Numbers.

Aside from being a massive box-office success, it introduced the audience to the wonders of a 3D cinema experience. Avatar garnered a total of nine Oscar nominations and won the categories of Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects, and Best Art Direction. Despite the overwhelming pressure of expectations to live up to, and ambitious plans to put in motion for the sequels, Cameron is determined to deliver. According to Blastr, Cameron wants to make sure all the money, time, and hard work he and his team have put into making the sequels will pay off.

The Avatar sequels are currently in pre-production and will be shot back-to-back. Avatar 2 is slated for a December 25, 2017 release. The following two sequels are expected to debut on Christmas day of 2018 and 2019.

Movie Spoilers, Movie Updates, James cameron

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