Nigerian Minister Claims $9 Billion Stolen from Nigerian Economy


Without corruption, Nigeria could become one of the rich countries in Africa. Corruption has destroyed Nigeria's economy and impoverished its people. Corruption can be found in every sector of society. Nigeria has lost $ 9 billion or equals amount 1.35 trillion Nigerian naira since 2006 and 2013. Many leading official getting involved in the corruption case.

Triblive reported that the big sum of money could fund Nigerian infrastructure development and built human resources through education. Former president Goodluck Jonathan also misappropriated $2.1 billion for his own interest. Mohammadu Buhari who defeated Jonathan in the election promised to eradicate corruption and stop terrorism.

Boko Haram is a local terrorist group which disrupted national stability. The uprising has killed thousands of Nigerian people and make people live in fears.

HubPages noted that Nigeria is one of the corrupt countries in the world according to Transparency International. The rank is not far different since the year 2000.

There are many shapes of corruption in Nigeria. It happened in many fields and the political system is the highest. Public figures are often misuse of resources for personal enrichment. Embezzlement, bribery, rituals, rigging in an election are among of them but the political system is the highest.

Political corruption is tenacious in Nigeria. The oil-rich country suffered a lot because losing million of the dollar a year. After the death of the former president Sani Abacha, an investigation was undertaken to detect the amount of money he embezzled in gas construction in the country. The Abacha regime in the 1990s has corrupted $3 billion.

The level of corruption has reached the wicked level. It is seen as normal even in both the Senate and the House Representatives. Many people are struggling to become a member of political party. They believed that once they occupy any position in politics, they have the opportunity to enrich themselves.

Daily Herald reported that Jonathan's former national security adviser, Sambo Dasuki has been granted bail by three different courts. He is accused of being instrumental in theft $2.1 billion which meant to buy weapons and has said he diverted the money on Jonathan's order.

Corruption is rampant in Nigeria. The crime has damaged almost all aspect of life in the country, starting from small to the big case. It takes hard work and concrete actions for all that nation to eradicate it. The National campaign conducted by Nigerian information minister to be very relevant to this issue.

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