BTG Pactual Cuts Jobs, Bonuses To The Stock Traders And Executives of The Hedge Fund Unit


Groupo BTG Pactual SA, a Brazilian asset management and investment company is planning for job cuts in London and some Latin American countries excluding Brazil. The investment group also plans for cut bonus at hedge fund up to 80%.

The Sao Paulo-based bank may also reduce bonuses to executives this year paying in two phase- 30% in February and 70% in November. BTG has fired 305 of its 1,653-person workforce in Brazil and made cuts at the New York office on January 28, reports The Gulf Today.

The bonuses to the employees are usually paid in February on the basis of last year's performances. The announcement on the job cuts and change in methodology for disbursement of bonuses has been anticipated to take place in February 22.

However, the Brazilian investment company has been rumored to cut bonus payouts to some traders at its hedge fund. The bonus cut is anticipated due to a slump in assets under management, reports Bloomberg citing a person familiar with the matter and requesting for anonymity, as the source.

Employees in Europe have been informed by the Brazilian finance company that bonus payment will be made in February. The scale of bonus cut has been assumed to be based on the performance of individual traders, reports Daily News citing a spokesperson for the Sao Paolo based bank.

The BTG Pactual GEMM Fund has witnessed assets drop to about $250 million from more than $4 billion, estimated in November. This appears to be the key reason for adopting such cost cutting measures. The problem has deepened with eventual house arrest of its former CEO and chairman Andre Esteves in late November.

The bank requires adopting cost cutting approaches to remain profitable in prevailing slower economy of Brazil. However, the manpower cut announced in January 28 has enabled the tumbling business concern to reduce cost by 25%.

BTG has been reported to sell assets and secure a credit line from FGC, Brazil's deposit investment fund to boost up cash flows. BTG has declined to make comments. Stock prices have been witnessed to be slashed by 48% during the last three months and earned the 'worst performer' tag among the global peers from analysts.

BTG has termed the measures as text book example of a very well managed fund combating with extra ordinary circumstances. Very few other funds have been able to meet liabilities in such an orderly manner, cites a BTG Pactual's email statement.

Stock price of Groupo BTG Pactual SA has been slashed by 48% during the last three months. Meanwhile, value of assets under management of the bank has been reduced to $250 million from over $4 billion. To retain the cash flow in place amid such turbulent situation, the bank has been rumored to adopt plans for job cutting and reducing bonuses of the stock traders and executive of its hedge fund unit.

Hedge fund, Investment bank

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