China Military: Recent Technology Modernization Is Closing Tech Gap Between China and the US


The U.S. Pacific Air Forces believe that China's military is closing its technology gap with the United States, considering recent technology advancements in the military. However, in human resources aspects, U.S. crews still have an unbelievably huge edge.

The statement was uttered by the U.S Pacific Air Forces' General Lori Robinson. "The technology gap certainly is closing, there's no denying that. The difference between that technology gap is the training the U.S. air crew get. That training and the way our airmen work every single day, no mater what platform they are on, and all the people that support those airmen, to do that job. The edge is unbelievably huge," she stated.

The significant improvement in China's military technology is initiated and supported by President Xi Jinping. The President has been prioritizing the military aspect, especially in the advancement of modern technology in regard to that. President Xi Jinping focuses on the navy and air force, as he seeks to project power outward, including to Western countries. Also, the President also strive to assert China's claims to territory in the west Pacific waters, according to South China Morning Post.

China has been devoting resources to invest in military capabilities especially to project power and counter third-party, including the U.S. The government is spending greatly on ships, planes, and submarines that could cover longer range, with higher technology functions.

In a report released by The Pentagon last year, it's acknowledged that China's rapid military modernization has the potential to reduce core U.S. military technological advantages, as quoted by TODAY Online. However, the technology modernization in Chinese military is not in itself close the gap between the ability between the two country's pilots. The American and Chinese pilots still differs in terms of experience and training. It's noted that China's military pilots spent a substantial portion of their training time on doctrines.

However, General Lori Robinson also stated she believes that Chinese pilots would act professionally in interactions with the U.S., even thought the two countries's pilots and air officers had previously involved in minor incidents in the South China Sea. Bloomberg also reported that People's Liberation Army is also focusing to improve training and standard for its fighter pilots, so the improvement of China's pilots ability could be expected.

The U.S. authorities are acknowledging substantial improvements in China's military technology. However, some analysts are still doubting the country's pilots ability, due to training program and lack of experience. On the human resources aspect, the U.S. Air Forces believe that the edge is still unbelievably huge in favor of the U.S. pilots.

China, United States, Air Force, Technology

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