Global Asset Management Education Forum Will Ring Nasdaq Closing Bell


This year's Global Asset Management Education (G.A.M.E) forum will be held in New York on March 31 - April 2, 2016. The event will provide opportunity for students and faculties participants to interact with industry leaders in investment management.

Quinnipiac University hold the event in cooperation with Nasdaq, and this year's is the sixth time. In the three-day event, participants will be able to meet leaders of financial industry in asset and investment management sector. The forum consists of international group of students and faculties from 140 colleges and universities representing 40 countries

G.A.M.E. VI will be divided into series of keynote panels, discussion panels, workshops and keynote perspectives. Participants will also attend the Nasdaq closing bell ceremony. David Sauer professor of finance at Quinnipiac University and executive director and chairman of G.A.M.E. VI said the event will provide participants an opportunity to learn best practices in investment management from the industry leaders.

"The conference provides a unique opportunity for students to interact with key leaders from the financial services industry," David Sauer told PR Newswire.

Some prominent names in asset management who will deliver the keynote speech are chief market strategist for Private Advisory Group Guy Adami along with senior investment strategist and president of the Global Markets Institute at Goldman Sachs Abby Joseph Cohen, CFA. Other names who will give keynote speech on the first day are chief executive officer of Richard Bernstein Advisors LLC Richard Bernstein, chief strategist at TD Ameritrade JJ Kinahan, and editor-at-large at Bloomberg News Tom Keene.

On the second day, the event will have a variety of engaging panels, workshops and keynote perspectives. The topics which will be explored are ranging from portfolio management, equity analysis, asset allocation, risk and ethical decision making. While the last day will provide a session on career focus and academic program development.

Econo Times reported that in honor of the occassion five of the organizing committee members will ring the Nasdaq closing bell. They are Executive Vice President & Provost of Quinnipiac University Mark Thompson, Founder-Executive Director and Program Chair David A. Sauer, Program Co-chair David Kudla and Jeffrey Rombach, and Program Moderator Ralph Acampora.

Michigan State University (MSU) is among the participants of the G.A.M.E. VI, which will be the great opportunity for them. Since some of MSU students have been managing the real portfolio for the past year in the Investment Challenged panel held by Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). As part of the challenged they must manage the stock portfolio worth more than $500,000.

The Clarion Ledger reported that TVA challenge required users to analyze and purchase stocks for the live portfolio while adhering to investment guidelines established by TVA. MSU is one of the college and university team that compete to achieve the best return.

This Thursday, the MSU students will be able to hear the experts sharing their insight in portfolio and asset management. As the sixth Global Asset Management Education will be held until Saturday, April 2,2016.


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