Top 9 Scariest Celebrity Ghost Stories


With just a few days before Halloween, we will re-tell you the best ghost stories that we have with some great celebrities.

First is Demi Lovato, who said that in 2013, her own home was haunted by a woman named Emily. She said that her house in Texas is ridiculously haunted but not by a bad spirit but by a girl. She said that she had to a medium to come over and ghost hunters and both had told her that the name of the spirit is Emily. Aside from Emily, there is also another spirit named Victoria.

Next celebrity is Miley Cyrus who also experienced a terrifying night. She had a spooky experience in a rented London flat, a converted bakery during her 2009 tour. She said that one night she saw her little sister, Noah, standing in the shower and then suddenly screamed. The water was suddenly turned to hot but she did not flipped it and then it was burning her that it made her really red. In addition to this , she also another experience paranormal activity inside the powder room and said that she saw a little boy sitting in the sink and was watching her take a shower.

Another celebrity is Kesha. She said that she just didn't saw a ghost but she had sex with it-she told an interview in 2012. Kesha had a song entitled "Supernatural" where in she told the DJ of the radio station that it was having a sex with a ghost. She said that before, she lived in this flophouse at Rural Canyon, and there was this weird energy that lived there and that it keeps her up at night and wake her up. And it progressed into the dark, sexual spirit which it never tell her what his name is.

Matthew McConaughey is an Oscar winner who loves being naked. His experience is in his new pad and heard what sounded like a dime drop on the glass table.

Ariana Grande also shared he ghost/demon experience in 2013. It had occurred when she was in Kansas City and visited a haunted castle followed by "Stull Cemetery". She said that she felt sick and overwhelming feeling of negativity over the whole car and smelled sulfur which is a sign of demon. She then said her sorry and then had took a picture. When she saw the picture, there demon images. The next day she tried t send it to her manager but it said that the file cannot be send and its 666 megabytes.

Patrick Stewart also had an experience with ghost. This happened when he was performing , the actor became distracted by a rather dapper ghoul. He said he saw a ghost on stage. The ghost is standing just off stage and was wearing a beige coat and twill part.

Marilyn Manson also had an experience with a ghost. One of which took place when he visited his grandparents home as a child when one of them passed away.

Kate Hudson and Goldie Hwan also experienced ghost and said that they even saw a ghost of a woman with no face.

Keanu Reeves said that he also had an experience together with her nanny Renata. They was a door way and then all of a sudden they were looking over there and this jacket comes waving through the doorway.

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