PM and Brownlee To Visit Quake Affected Regions


A top brass meeting is launched, to find out what is required to assist those affected by the severe earthquake this morning which isolated parts of the South Islands, New Zealand.

According to Prime Minister John Key, the officials would meet in Wellington and counsel the government of the most recent damage report and summary of the affected areas.

After the meeting, the Prime Minister together with Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission Gerry Brownlee went to the earthquake affected areas to see the damage first-hand.

"Not too many claims were lodged in the last quakes and the damage is not bad at all," says Brownlee answering Key's inquiry about Seddon as they survey the affected areas aboard a helicopter.

"Failures of the 111 system last night were deeply worrying," said Key. Mentioning the emergency services reaction to the large seismic activity last night with the fact that the 111 system experienced interruptions in the worst hit areas.

Nonetheless, Prime Minister Key described the situation as roughly under control.

"It's not a national emergency. In terms of dodging a bullet I think there'll be much more damage than what we know," Key told NewstalkZB Mike Hosking show. "One of the problems is we haven't had perfect information from quake-affected areas."

He said it was possible that there would be extensive structural damage through the lower North and upper South Island.

According to Gerry Brownlee a number of buildings will need to be assessed, before people can go inside.

There were no details on the number of people injured but it had proved tragic for two families.

"In terms of our impact of human life our hearts go out to the family of those who have lost their lives," said Key advising the people to get out and check to see if their neighbours were safe.

New Zealand

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