GSK appoints new China general manager in wake of bribery allegations


GlaxoSmithKline Senior Vice President for Europe Herve Gisserot was appointed as the new chief of the drug company's operations in China. He replaced general manager Mark Reilly in the wake of the corruption scandal implicating senior executives of Britain's biggest pharmaceutical firm. A spokesman, however, said that Reilly will continue to remain as a senior member of GSK's management team. The former China chief will also assist the company as it responds to the Chinese authorities.

As Gisserot gets to work, his main objective is to keep GSK's China operations running as usual. He will be transitioning into his new responsibilities in the course of the coming weeks. Meanwhile, relieved China chief Reilly is now working in Britain's GSK headquarters. Those apprised of the situation said he has been attending routine meetings. "From what we understand and have been told by the authorities there are no allegations of wrongdoing against Mark (Reilly)," said a GSK spokesperson.


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