Noertheastern And Facebook Ties Up For Next Generation Research Projects


Face­book announced on Wednesday that North­eastern is one of 17 research uni­ver­si­ties selected to partner with the com­pany on next gen­er­a­tion, joint tech­nology projects. The Spon­sored Aca­d­emic Research Agree­ment makes it easy for research fac­ulty and labs to work together with Facebook.

The agree­ment was cre­ated by Building 8, the new team at Face­book that applies DARPA-​​style break­through inno­va­tion to the devel­op­ment of new hard­ware products.

"The B8 team has hard­ware and soft­ware experts who have shipped more than 1.7B con­sumer devices in 170 coun­tries," Regina Dugan, vice pres­i­dent of engi­neering at Face­book and B8 leader, said in a Face­book post announcing the new part­ner­ships. Devel­oping and ship­ping break­through prod­ucts, Dugan said, is "why we work, in part­ner­ship, with entre­pre­neurs, engi­neering teams, system inte­gra­tors, and busi­nesses large and small-globally. And it's why we have built part­ner­ships with many of the best research minds in the world."

In char­ac­ter­izing the joint tech­nology projects Building 8 and the partner uni­ver­si­ties will take on, Facebook's announce­ment men­tioned making it easier for Face­book and research fac­ulty to work together on aggres­sive timelines.

"When the brightest minds from uni­ver­si­ties and industry team up, new futures are cre­ated," said North­eastern Pres­i­dent Joseph E. Aoun. "Face­book has already changed the way humans con­nect with one another; we are excited to write the next chapter in social inter­ac­tivity by working together."

In addi­tion to North­eastern, Face­book has signed agree­ments with Cal­tech, Stan­ford, MIT, Har­vard, Johns Hop­kins, Johns Hop­kins Applied Physics Lab­o­ra­tory, Rice, UCSF, Princeton, the Uni­ver­sity of Illi­nois, Ari­zona State, the Uni­ver­sity of Waterloo, Texas A&M, Vir­ginia Tech, Georgia Tech and UC Berkeley.

"We are excited to be part of the inau­gural team of uni­ver­si­ties that have signed this agree­ment," said Nadine Aubry, dean of the Col­lege of Engi­neering and Uni­ver­sity Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor of Mechan­ical and Indus­trial Engi­neering. "Our engi­neering fac­ulty and stu­dents will be thrilled to apply their exper­tise and inno­v­a­tive approaches to work jointly with Building 8 on rev­o­lu­tionary tech­nolo­gies that will change the world."

The agree­ment with Face­book builds on Northeastern's long­standing tra­di­tion of part­nering with industry to accel­erate inno­va­tion into the mar­ket­place through cutting-​​edge research.

Facebook, Research

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