How online gaming is changing the market in 2017


How online gaming is changing the market in 2017

There is no doubt that online gaming has seen a significant growth in recent years, with more consumers using this medium to play games. Figures such as the $36.9 billion generated in revenue by mobile games in 2016 show the continued growth and rude health of the online gaming industry. When you look at how PC gaming - that is estimated to be worth around $32 billion globally - is set to move into using cloud technology, it seems obvious that 2017 will see online gaming continue to soar.

The real key behind online gaming's success is that it has become a part of consumer's daily lives and something that is fun. No longer a preserve of die-hard gaming enthusiasts, the new titles released and efforts by the companies involved within the sector have paid off handsomely. This is in addition to the new technology being developed within mobile devices to allow them to play more sophisticated game titles.

Distinct areas within online gaming, such as the previously discussed mobile gaming and eSports, have really captured the public's imagination to become a staple part of normal life and the gaming industry as a whole. With online gaming contributing greatly towards the $99 billion global revenue the whole gaming industry saw in 2016, the industry certainly counts this sector as extremely valuable. Such is the success of the whole industry that many consider investing in the games market as potentially viable.

How are companies operating in the online gaming sector

Traditional game companies such as Nintendo have been somewhat slow to catch up with this area of the industry, particularly with mobile gaming. This has changed recently though, with the 2016 release of the innovative Pokémon Go and Super Mario Run. These titles showed that Nintendo has got up to speed with the online gaming market and is actually helping it progress with the unique ideas it brings to the table.

It's not just the big players that are streamlining what they do to operate successfully in the online gaming sector. Newer game developers are introducing online mechanics within their products that makes their games more playable and allow them to compete with better-known companies or titles. The Magic Leap company in the USA is an example of someone fighting against big companies, such as Microsoft, to get their share of the market. Based within the virtual reality area of online gaming, there are big hopes for the groundbreaking technology their VR titles will use.

Another area that some seem likely to branch out into is the use of cloud technology to play games online. This is a particular hope within PC gaming, as it will remove the problem that sector faces with gamers having to buy lots of expensive hardware to play the games they want to. If the cloud technology is there and can provide the fast, fluid gameplay demanded, this could be a real game-changer.

What will change in the industry during 2017?

If there is one area within online gaming that looks set to expand in 2017, it is eSports. As reported by Newzoo, this area was believed to have brought around $493 million into the online gaming industry as of 2016. With the rise in popularity among fans and players, the 2017 revenue figure is expected to continue on an upward curve. The mix of physical events, players and fans that go along with top games to play and an online social element all make eSports a real growth area for online gaming.

Another major shift in 2017 could well be the ease with which consumers can get online. This extends across all aspects of the online gaming industry, right into online gambling. Casino sites all now realize that customers like to gamble on their smartphones, and have made moves to be fully mobile friendly as a result. With access to technology getting less restrictive by the day due to advanced smartphones and more powerful computers, consumers are increasingly wanting to use the online route to game.

Will online gaming continue to grow in 2017?

The online gaming market has shown a steady growth during recent times, and those within the industry fully expect this to continue. With the popularity of online gaming among consumers and the ease with which they can participate, there is no reason to expect a slow-down for 2017. As games companies continue to improve what they offer to their customers, this seems a sensible outlook to take.

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