The shift in perspective happened when Jackson was still in high school and would spend his spare time playing video games. One day, Luke came into his room and asked why he was wasting his time. In that moment, Jackson told his older brother that he didn't care and continued playing video games. The following week, Jackson began learning to code after school instead of spending hours gaming. Seeing how hard Luke and Jordan were grinding encouraged Jackson to keep working towards the future he wanted for himself.
"Luke's words stuck with me. They flipped a switch in my mind that made me begin to prioritize learning over entertainment," says Jackson.
Jackson's passion for programming and technology grew quickly, and his marks in his computer science class reflected his newfound effort. The burst of inspiration brought on by his brother's bluntness had already begun to change Jackson's trajectory.
Jackson's coding and programming skills improved and diversified through his after-school efforts, and he considered pursuing a programming job. Instead, he joined his brothers building HighKey instead. By that time, the older Lintz brothers had already established the HighKey brand, so Jackson had to dive in and keep up with the fast-paced environment they had built. His self-taught knowledge of programming allowed him to take on a role as a website manager at HighKey Agency.
The life skills he learned in high school helped Jackson transition to being a partner and working alongside his brothers overseeing the HighKey brand. The International Baccalaureate (IB) program, an optional accelerated route for students that want to excel, taught him to prioritize tasks and create functional schedules for himself. The IB program, combined with his after-school studies, gave Jackson the traditional career skills he needed to thrive despite being so young.
Mindset is one thing, but habits are another. Jackson stresses the importance of putting in consistent effort to reach your goals. He no longer plays video games, and his ability to take action and execute ideas speaks for itself.
Jackson says he's always looking for new and unique ways to get ahead of the game. Instead of picking up a game controller when he has some free time, Jackson researches new ways to scale, works on his mental and physical health, and encourages others, as his brothers did for him.
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