At a young age of 21, Alex Gonzalez has made an impressive name for himself among swing traders. No stranger to hard work and long hours, Gonzalez had his first job when he was 15 and he was ready to turn his dream of entrepreneurship into a reality.
A first-generation American, he saw his parents give 100% to anything they did. Gonzalez adapted this work ethic as he worked at Dunkin' Donuts and shuttled people to and from their cars at fairs. He worked almost 65 hours a week, raising enough capital for himself and a friend to open a rental arbitrage business.
An investor paid a top amount for this company, and Gonzalez continued his entrepreneurial journey by studying the finance industry. After watching every "tick" in the market for years, he has developed a unique and effective strategy that is giving him the lifestyle he always wanted. He gives credit to his persistence for letting him live his dream.
Gonzalez had to overcome some big challenges to get to where he is today. As he was developing his methodology, he endured countless hours of trial & error plus a roller coaster of emotions. Yet, his persistence pulled him through. Gonzalez calls trading 80% psychology and 20% technical. With his focus on the psychology of the profession, he has identified the biggest challenges traders face: money management, risk management, lack of patience, and letting emotions take over your mindset.
To help people recognize and overcome these challenges, Gonzalez hosts an online mentorship from 6 AM to 9 AM on business days. He emphasizes the importance of waiting for the right circumstances and collecting data to make the right decisions. There is a language of swing trading that people must be fluent in, and the only way to learn this language is through experience.
Alex Gonzalez is building a brand based on his insightful training. With a focus on those who are struggling, he is teaching people the importance of a rational mindset rather than an emotional one. He does caution people they will make some bad decisions, but the upside is what they will learn from this invaluable experience.
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