Benefits of Exporting LinkedIn Contacts

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Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash
Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

LinkedIn is a great place to meet new people and form professional connections. To ensure you make the most out of it, you need to get the right contacts and people to help you in your career. While there are many ways of getting in touch with prospects, it helps if you talk to people you connect with on LinkedIn. The best way to do this is by exporting your LinkedIn contacts. Here are the benefits of doing this:

Keep in Touch with Prospects.

One of the things you will notice when it comes to LinkedIn is your contacts evolve with time. As such, it is easy to lose connection with such people. To help with this, you can export contacts from LinkedIn and stay in touch. No matter how different your paths become, you always have a way to get back to them.

Make Better Sales.

Running a marketing campaign requires you to be keen on the kind of connection you have. Only some people will fit into your target audience. Knowing who can convert into a client means you get to focus your resources there. One of the ways you can ensure you stay in business is by making sales every so often. Without new sales, the business will go down, and you might end up closing the shop. If you made connections, then keeping them active is a great way to ensure you get return clients. Having these contacts with you goes a long way to ensure you do not have to worry about not making sales. You can send them reminders, emails, and newsletters to keep them in the loop. That way, they can take on the new opportunity without an issue.

Acts as a Backup

No matter how keen you are on the Internet, you can get hacked or have your data corrupted. In such an event, you might lose all your data, which means all the contacts you have made. If you only talk to them using linked in, you will have no way of getting to them. Exporting contacts is the best way to avoid such a scenario. You can rest easy knowing that you can always maintain your connections.

Makes Running a Marketing Campaign Easy

Running a marketing campaign requires you to be keen on the kind of connection you have. Not everyone will fit into your target audience. Knowing who can convert into a client means you get to focus your resources there. It cuts down on costs and ensures the better success of the entire campaign. Most campaign strategies are formed around your exported contacts.


LinkedIn is a great platform that brings individuals together. As such, it helps if you take advantage of all the connections you make. By exporting your contacts from LinkedIn, you have a solid base that comes in handy when launching new products in the market. It acts as a great backup plan for when you need to reach out to new and existing clients. If you have never considered exporting LinkedIn clients, now is your time. Please find a way to get a list of connections made by their contacts so you can work together on even bigger projects.

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