Netflix 3.0 Is Coming: Discover the Brains Behind the Streaming App’s Groundbreaking Change


Netflix is now undergoing its next major development as a result of technological advancements and changes in the competitive scene.

Netflix management, led by co-CEOs Ted Sarandos and Greg Peters, is discreet about their long-term goals. However, with its investments in some business categories, Netflix gives clues about version 3.0.

Developing new distribution and revenue methods, adding live experiences, merchandise, and games to the Netflix ecosystem, and going beyond its present collection of streaming content are all vital parts of the growth. Apparently, the company is hiring experienced veterans and fresh hires to implement this plan.

According to Fortune, these are some of the most important minds working on the next Netflix version.

Brandon Riegg

Netflix hired Brandon Riegg as an alternative programming director in 2016. In 2018, he became a vice president of unscripted originals and acquisitions before taking his present job as vice president of nonfiction series.

His work includes Queer Eye, Formula 1: Drive to Survive and Take Care of Maya. He heads the division on live events, including Chris Rock's stand-up performance and the Love Is Blind Reunion.

Gabe Spitzer

As vice president of nonfiction sports since April 2023, Gabe Spitzer has led Netflix's sports strategy, focusing on making docuseries on professional players' seasons.

Since Spitzer took over, the division released Tour de France: Unchained and Quarterback. After Formula 1: Drive to Survive and Break Point, it announced an additional series about professional runners and the Boston Red Sox.

Throughout his career, Spitzer has been involved with sports TV.

Amy Reinhard

Netflix's advertisements president, Amy Reinhard, was tasked with boosting income. In over a year, 23 million people signed up for Netflix's advertising tier, proving her success in the field.

She joined the firm in 2016 after being the vice president of studio operations, content acquisitions, and consumer products.

Eunice Kim

Netflix customer experience is Eunice Kim's responsibility as chief product officer. She oversees the streaming app's consumer-facing aspects of the app, such as pricing and plan structure, which have changed in recent months and are set to shift again.

Executives credit Kim's worldwide password enforcement with attracting some of the company's 22 million new members.

Elizabeth Stone

Netflix appointed Elizabeth Stone to the executive-level management alongside Kim, with whom she collaborates on new products and features. Stone manages the data science and engineering teams that construct Kim's features, conduct internal and customer research, and analyze Netflix content as the company's chief technology officer. She manages machine learning model research and development at Netflix.

Greg Lombardo

Netflix House, a series of brick-and-mortar facilities offering food, retail, and live experiences centered on Netflix programming, is Greg Lombardo's main draw. Opening in 2025, the Houses will include exhibitions that revolve around current trends, drawing inspiration from Netflix's famous series like Squid Game and Stranger Things.

Mike Verdu

Mike Verdu is in charge of growing Netflix's video games business.

Netflix has 86 games and approximately 90 under development. Some of its games include The Witcher, Stranger Things, and The Queen's Gambit, all based on its own intellectual property. It also has well-known games like Heads Up, Oxenfree, and Grand Theft Auto.

Last October, a third-party analytics company estimated 2.2 million Netflix customers played its games or 0.9% of the platform's total.


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