In the maze of human emotions, trauma is among the most complex and misunderstood. Angelina Fabian, a Human Design Teacher and Analyst, unravels the complexities of trauma, illuminating its impact and charting a course toward healing.
Understanding Trauma's Grip
Trauma lingers, resurfacing unexpectedly. A cup of coffee, a song on the radio, or a strong aroma can trigger memories, both pleasant and painful. But while fond memories of grandma's banana bread might bring a smile, reminders of an unpleasant event can plunge one into a whirlwind of distressing emotions.
The WHO World Mental Health Surveys spanning 24 countries found 70.4% of participants experienced trauma. Interpersonal violence, especially intimate partner sexual violence, emerged as a significant PTSD trigger, accounting for 42.7% of PTSD cases. Such findings show the need for effective healing methods and freeing one from the shackles of a traumatic past.
Why is trauma so persistent? Why can't one simply "move on"?
The Brain's Response to Trauma
Our brain is wired for survival. It records experiences, storing them with emotions. Traumatic memories are etched deeply and can resurface suddenly.
The brain's automatic reactions to perceived threats are fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. When trauma is relived, the logical part of the brain often goes "offline," making rational thinking nearly impossible. This automatic response, while essential for survival, can be debilitating when there's no real threat.
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a renowned trauma expert, explains that these responses can "trap" individuals in their traumatic experiences, making it challenging for them to engage with the present and hindering the healing process.
Angelina's Insightful Approach
Angelina's journey into the world of trauma is personal and professional. Having grappled with her own traumatic experiences, she discovered the power of the Human Design System and Trauma Release work with Tapping. These methods offered her a way to decondition and metabolize past traumas and embrace empowerment.
The Human Design System, a synthesis of eight sciences, provides a practical understanding of one's genetic makeup. It's about understanding oneself on a cellular level. This knowledge empowers individuals to make decisions that align with their true selves, deconditioning the negative imprint that they have received during their lifetime.
Trauma release work with Tapping, what she calls Trauma Alchemy, on the other hand, helps to metabolize trauma. As Angelina emphasizes, it's a mental and emotional experience; it's also stored in our cells. Tapping helps release this stored trauma.
A Beacon of Hope
Angelina's work has touched the lives of many. Through her guidance, individuals have healed and found a renewed sense of purpose. The power of the Human Design System, combined with Gentle Trauma Alchemy, offers hope to overcome a difficult past.
While trauma's shadows may be long and dark, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With experts like Angelina Fabian leading the way, healing is not just possible; it's within reach.
For those seeking a deeper understanding and a path to recovery, exploring the world of Gentle Trauma-Release with Alchemy could be the next step.
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