Virginia Lawmakers Investigate Why USPS Mails Are Missing, Delayed in Richmond Area


US representatives have tried to determine the reason behind the missing or delayed United States Postal Service (USPS) mail in the metro Richmond area in Virginia.

For the first time, Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan and Congressman Scott Wittman visited the USPS Sandston Distribution Center on Friday after receiving hundreds of complaints from people about delayed or missing mail across the state.

This effort comes a few months after some lawmakers requested transparency from the USPS.

Virginia Lawmakers Investigate Why USPS Mails Are Delayed in Richmond Area

According to 12 On Your Side, the two-state lawmakers have examined graphs and metrics to explain why people in Richmond have been getting their mail late or not at all.

"When we first started, we had a brief, and the brief included the metrics, the numbers, the graphics, which we never got before," Wittman said, as WTVR reported.

"So it's very telling to watch what happened when the delivery rates were here on time delivery rates were here, and then it dropped off," he added.

During the tour, USPS officials showed them the new systems and equipment installed last 2023. The USPS claims that the upgrades made to the equipment and systems are the main reasons for the delay.

Investigating USPS Mail Delays

Wittman explained that what USPS did in its center was a great effort. However, if they do it at a scale and the new systems and equipment break down, then it would be a huge problem.

USPS told the lawmakers that the company was still adjusting to changes, together losing their main supplier for mail trucks.

"They're recovering from that, they're getting back to a much better percentage of on-time delivery for first class mail, and for what we call bulk mail, they still have a ways to go," Wittman noted.

The USPS Inspector General is expected to release their report regarding the delayed mail soon. The report will also include recommendations that will assess the efficacy and operational impacts of the changes.

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