The reversal of Roe v. Wade in 2022, a landmark decision legalizing abortion nationwide, led to over 20 states enacting legislation that either prohibits abortion entirely or imposes limitations on its accessibility.
Now, a recent survey conducted by CNBC/Generation Lab has revealed that young talent is being driven away by abortion bans, with up to half of respondents expressing reluctance to live or work in states with such restrictions.
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Young Talents in States With Abortion Ban
The survey, titled "Youth & Money in the USA," found that almost two-thirds of respondents would "probably not" or "definitely not" live in a state that banned abortion
45% of those surveyed stated that they would either "definitely reject" or "probably reject" a job offer in a state where abortion is illegal, further indicating their reluctance to support regions with restrictive reproductive rights policies.
Generation LAB CEO Cyrus Beschloss said that this trend poses serious implications for businesses across America, affecting their ability to attract and retain young talent.
With over 20 states implementing abortion bans or restrictions in the past two years, the survey is giving businesses the potential impact on where the next generation of American workers chooses to live and work.
For instance, Texas consistently boasts high employment rates; it is among the 20 states that enforce abortion bans. Companies considering establishing a presence in this state might reconsider, and those already operating there could face challenges in attracting and retaining employees.
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