Facebook owner Meta said it wants to use European data for AI training. The giant tech firm announced this effort while facing privacy concerns in some European countries.

Meta Wants To Use European Data for AI Training
On Monday, June 10, Meta wants to train artificial intelligence using European users' data. It explained that this should be done to reflect better geography, languages, and cultural references for its consumers in the region.
Via its official news release, Meta said that they plan on expanding its collection of generation AI tools and experiences, as well as the models powering them, in the European region.
Meta Privacy Policy Global Engagement Director Stefano Fratta explained that if they do not train AI models on the public content of Europeans who use its services, these AI models and features will not accurately understand important cultures, social media trending topics, or regional languages.
He further explained that if they won't train AI using European user data, then people in the region will be served with AI models that are accurately informed by the region's historical, cultural, and social contributions, as reported by ABC News.
Will Meta Be Able To Use European Data?
As of this writing, it is hard to tell if Meta will be able to use European data to train its artificial intelligence models. The tech company is facing numerous privacy complaints from 11 European countries.
Many of these concerns accuse Meta of using user data to train AI tools on its platforms. However, Austrian privacy advocates NOYB explained why Meta's plans are against the law.
It stated that Meta's users aren't provided with any information regarding the purposes of the AI models it trains. NOYB added that this is against the requirements of the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
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