Boeing and Airbus Allegedly Used 'Counterfeit' Titanium, FAA Investigation Reveals

By Thea Felicity

Jun 14, 2024 01:26 PM EDT

A Boeing 737-Max8 (foreground) and an Airbus A220 (center) passengers aircraft of Air Canada are seen on the tarmac of Toronto airport in Toronto, Canada, on June 10, 2024.
(Photo : CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images)

Boeing and Airbus are under scrutiny after allegations surfaced that they used counterfeit titanium in their aircraft, prompting a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigation, per CNBC.

Spirit Aerosystems, based in Wichita, Kansas, raised concerns about falsified documentation accompanying titanium used in planes manufactured by the aviation giants. The company has removed suspect titanium from its production, conducting extensive tests to ensure continued safety and airworthiness. 

The FAA confirmed it would look into these allegations, complicating matters for Boeing amidst ongoing safety probes.

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What's Wrong with Using Counterfeit Titanium in Planes

Counterfeit titanium is a material that enters the supply chain with falsified documentation regarding its origin or quality. 

In the context of Boeing and Airbus, serious concerns have been raised about the integrity and safety of critical aircraft components. This could potentially compromise the aircraft's structural integrity, performance, and reliability and, therefore, lead to heightened safety risks for passengers and crew during flights.

Recently, VCPost reported that another Boeing plane caught fire while taking off in Toronto, Canada.

Both Boeing and Airbus have responded, stating to the FAA that they will address these issues through rigorous testing and cooperation with suppliers to maintain aircraft quality and safety standards during the investigation.

READ NEXT: Another Boeing Plane Engine Catches Fire While Taking Off from Toronto

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