CyberTrap: Outsmarting Hackers with AI Deception

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CyberTrap: Outsmarting Hackers with AI Deception
Photo Courtesy of CyberTrap

Historical data breaches, such as the Equifax and Target events, highlight the devastating impact of cybercriminals. High-profile cyber attacks, like those on Sony Pictures and the Colonial Pipeline, demonstrate that it's not a matter of if but when an organization will be targeted. These incidents shine a spotlight on the urgent need for advanced alternative cybersecurity measures.

The problem is that cyber attacks are growing in frequency and sophistication, exploiting gaps in traditional security measures. Organizations face significant challenges in protecting their data and infrastructure from these evolving threats.

Discover the Unknown

CyberTrap fills these gaps by offering advanced deception technology that detects threats and actively engages and neutralizes hackers. Co-founder Adi Reschenhofer explains, "Our solution transforms cybersecurity from a passive defense to an active offense, making it significantly more difficult for attackers to succeed."

The old adage, 'you don't know what you don't know,' most certainly applies to cyber threats. One of the most significant advantages of CyberTrap's technology is its ability to reveal what is not known; in this case, hackers and threats may sneak in. This capability is crucial because it helps organizations identify and mitigate risks that they were not previously aware of, enhancing their overall security posture.

Cybercriminals in Equifax's attack breached their defenses and remained in the systems for 76 days before the company became aware of their presence, causing damage that was settled for $425 million, according to the FTC. Traditional cybersecurity measures focus mainly on known threats, leaving blind spots that can be exploited. In contrast, CyberTrap's deception technology uncovers these hidden dangers by luring cybercriminals into engaging with their decoys and exposing the hackers' presence and tactics.

CyberTrap offers a suite of advanced deception technologies designed to detect and neutralize cyber threats before they can cause harm. CTO Rene Heinzl notes, "Our key features include high-interaction decoys, adaptive lures and real-time threat intelligence. These features provide comprehensive protection, ensuring that threats are identified and mitigated swiftly."

To Catch a Hacker

Reschenhofer adds, "CyberTrap stands out in the market due to our unique, AI-driven approach and the absence of endpoint software requirements which subsequently minimizes disruptions and maintenance. And, unlike our competitors, we offer a highly scalable solution that operates in the public cloud or on-premises with automatic deployment, making us much more flexible and cost-effective."

CyberTrap's competition includes other newcomers in the deception technology wing of the cybersecurity industry, as well as classic security providers offering traditional protection layers. According to Reschenhofer, these protections are still necessary, but they are insufficient on their own. "We don't compete directly with them. Instead, we complement their efforts. Our real competition lies within the realm of deception technology, led by a few large companies that have acquired deception technology startups. However, our advantage is our exclusive focus on deception without the distraction of other cybersecurity measures. Additionally, we are unique in that we do not require a permanently installed agent on endpoints to achieve our results. This makes our solution easier to deploy and manage across large networks." It is making a difference.

Client success stories and testimonials continue to illustrate the effectiveness of CyberTrap's technology, with calls regularly coming in from customers who wish to switch their service from a competitor. One customer remarked, "Within our range of cybersecurity tools, CyberTrap stands out as the most sophisticated option available." A German government agency shared, "I'm renewing my contract with CyberTrap because it has been a lifesaver for me."

Pay Now or Pay Later

The annual global spending on cybersecurity hovers around $200 billion, yet the damage caused by cybercriminals amounts to $20 billion per day globally. This disparity emphasizes the need for more effective cybersecurity measures. CyberTrap's deception technology plays a crucial role in bridging this gap by making it significantly more difficult for cybercriminals to succeed.

State-level actors, such as Chinese hackers targeting US utility operators, pose a severe threat to civil society. The ease with which these cyber-attacks can be carried out stems from outdated systems and protocols that were initially designed with minimal security considerations. As technology advances, so do the methods of attackers, making it imperative for unique, out-of-the-box solutions that keep up with cybercriminals.

By leveraging AI-powered deception technology, CyberTrap empowers organizations to proactively keep up and engage with, outsmart, and neutralize cyber threats. By transforming cybersecurity from a passive defense to an active offense, CyberTrap provides a dynamic solution to the growing challenge and danger of cyber threats.

Detect, deceive, trap, and learn from hackers with CyberTrap.

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