Foxleigh — Make Meetings Work for You

Created by

Chris Webber
Chris Webber

In a world where TED talks have garnered over 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone, reaching half of the global population with internet access, there is no denying the power of a well-crafted presentation. These 14-minute talks, featuring influential figures like Bill Gates and Greta Thunberg, have captivated audiences worldwide with their potent blend of stories, images, and succinct messages. But what is it about the TED format that makes it so compelling? And why aren't more business meetings following suit?

Enter Foxleigh Commercial Performance, a company dedicated to revolutionising the way businesses conduct meetings. The team, led by Chris Webber, has observed a fundamental flaw in how organisations approach these vital gatherings. Too often, meetings are a mundane ritual-booked in standard 30-minute slots, anchored by endless slides, and, more often than not, leaving participants wondering why they bothered attending.

The contrast between these tedious meetings and the impactful nature of TED talks is stark. Foxleigh asks a simple yet profound question: why can't all meetings be as memorable and valuable as a TED talk? Their mantra, "Make every meeting better than coffee with friends," underscores the need for meetings that not only inform but also engage and inspire.

For busy executives, time is a precious commodity. A poorly planned meeting is not just a waste of time; it's a missed opportunity. These are moments when leaders wish they had opted for a quick coffee break instead. The challenge, then, is to make every meeting so worthwhile that no one would dream of skipping it.

The implications of this go beyond mere time management. Poor productivity and ineffective meetings are significant barriers to revenue growth. Organisations that crack the code on efficient, engaging meetings will not only see their internal teams align more quickly but also foster creativity and innovation. Moreover, customers will be more inclined to attend meetings, invest in stronger partnerships, and, ultimately, buy more.

So, what's the secret? According to Foxleigh, it starts with rethinking the very purpose of a meeting. Rather than defaulting to a slide-heavy presentation, meetings should be designed around clear objectives and structured accordingly. For instance, an update meeting doesn't need to drag on; if everything is on track, it should be wrapped up in 10–15 minutes. Information should be shared in advance, with meeting time reserved for addressing outliers or unexpected developments.

When it comes to problem-solving meetings, Foxleigh advises against presentations that stifle discussion. Instead, these sessions should foster open dialogue, allowing participants to explore ideas collaboratively. The key is to encourage conversations, not monologues.

One of Foxleigh's standout strategies is their PEPPA model, a framework designed to elevate meeting experiences and delight customers. Central to this approach is the inclusion of a "moment of magic"—a surprising, insightful element that triggers a dopamine hit and leaves a lasting impression.

Storytelling is another powerful tool in the Foxleigh arsenal. Data alone can feel dry and impersonal, but stories resonate with our emotional brains, making them far more memorable. Just as TED talks leverage stories to convey complex ideas, Foxleigh teaches businesses to do the same. Whether it's a story about a delayed product delivery impacting a customer or a colleague overcoming a challenge, these narratives make the issues at hand relatable and compelling.

At the core of Foxleigh's mission is the desire to instil confidence in their clients, enabling them to succeed even with the most difficult customers. This often requires careful planning and a dose of creativity, but the rewards are well worth the effort. By thinking outside the box and bringing meetings to life through human connection and storytelling, Foxleigh helps businesses not only meet but exceed their goals.

So, the next time you find yourself heading into yet another routine meeting, ask yourself: is this going to be better than coffee with friends? If the answer is no, it might be time to rethink your approach. With a focus on purpose, creativity, and storytelling, Foxleigh Commercial Performance is showing the way to more engaging, productive, and impactful meetings—meetings that stick in the mind and truly matter.

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