These days, it's very useful for businesses to be internet-savvy. From handling social media accounts to running and maintaining a website, so much happens online.
And if there's one thing that's important when it comes to being visible online, it's search engine optimization (SEO). What exactly is it?
According to Google, SEO is all "about helping search engines understand your content, and helping users find your site and make a decision about whether they should visit your site through a search engine."
Anyone who wants to engage in SEO should know these five basic terms.
Backlinks are also known as inbound links, and these are a big part of SEO. When another website links to your website, that it known as a backlink.
The more websites link back to your own, the better. This is known as link building.
Bounce Rate
Bounce rate is essentially a metric that tells you the percentage of web users that view only one page of website and end up leaving without browsing other pages. A high bounce rate is bad news because you always want users to stay on your page and browse around for as long as possible.
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Image Alt-Tag
Images can also help your website when it comes to SEO, but only if you know what to do. One of the things you'll have to keep in mind is the image alt-tag.
"Google cannot interpret images directly," LAIRE Digital points out. So, what should you do to help with the SEO? Provide a text description as well as keywords for the image, which are exactly what image alt-tags are.
Long Tail Keyword
A keyword is a search query that is, well, a word or two long. A long tail keyword, therefore, is a search query that is three or words long.
According to Semrush, long tail keywords typically have a low monthly search volume. However, these also have a higher probability of conversion.
Meta Description
As its name suggests, a meta description is meant to describe what is on a page, and this serves as your chance to encourage a user to click on your page.
Meta descriptions are typically around 160 characters long (going over it is not good practice and can be seen right below the title on a search engine results page (SERP).
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