Prime Minister David Cameron needs symbolic win for Britons to support continued membership in EU: analysts


Analysts said Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron needed a symbolic win in order to have the leverage he needed to renegotiate the European Treaty. Analysts opined that he would need a semantic triumph before he can ask Britons to continue support of their membership in the European Union. This will be decided on a referendum scheduled on 2017.

According to a source of Reuters, one such victory for the Conservative party leader would be the amendment or erasure of the phrase 'ever closer union' in the preamble of all EU treaties. Not many Britons favor these words as its final goal, even if undeclared, would be the creation of a European super-state. It also spoke of giving up national sovereignty to Brussels. In January, Prime Minister Cameron said this was not Britain's goal. "We understand and respect the right of others to maintain their commitment to this goal. But for Britain - and perhaps for others - it is not the objective," he said.

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