China's utilized foreign direct investment increases in August


According to the latest statistics released by China's Ministry of Commerce, the country's utilized foreign direct investment or FDI had reached USD8.38 billion for August 2013. This was an increase of 0.62% on a year on year comparison.

For the first eight months of the year, China's utilized FDI increased by 6.37% year on year to a volume of USD79.77 billion. There were also 14,480 newly established foreign invested companies in the same eight months, which is lower by 8.22% from the previous year.

About USD32.63 billion worth of foreign direct investment was utilized by the Chinese manufacturing sector for the same period. This was a decline of 3.27% year on year comparison yet accounted for 40.9% of the whole country's total foreign direct investments. Another industry, the service sector, reported an increase of its utilized FDI by 13.5% or a volume of USD39.73 billion, which accounted for 49,84% of China's total utilized FDI.

When broken down by source, the FDI from the European Union increased by 24.27% year on year on a volume of USD5.44 billion. On the other hand, US sourced utilized FDI increased by 18.04% from last year to an amount worth USD2,50 billion.

China, Foreign direct investment

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