Sweet Treats for Fat Tuesday


Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday in French. This was referred to as the last night wherein practicing Catholics can eat all the meat they want prior to Ash Wednesday, which is the mark of the beginning of Lent season. Fat Tuesday wasn’t called “fat” for nothing as people binge on fatty foods and eating specialities from around the world.

Aside from carnivals celebrated with Mardi Gras, people prepare sweet and doughy treats in prepartion for celebration. Among these sweet treats, ABCNews reported that the King Cake was on the top list. This sweet cake covered in sugary coating of Mardi Gras colors is said to be the cake of the king. A plastic baby, which represents Jesus, is bake into the cake. Whoever finds it would be responsible to bring the cake next year. Packzi the Polish pancake is also a great Mardi Gras while Semla from Sweden remains to be a favorite. The Italian Frettelle is also a sweet treat served during Fat Tuesday.

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