The Hobbit 3 Spoilers: The Battle of the Five Armies to unfold remarkable scenes this December


The Hobbit 3: The Battle of the Five Armies is prospective to be a huge success on its release this December 2014.

The film is the third sequel of The Hobbit trilogy. It is directed and produced by Peter Jackson, who directed The Lord of the Rings.

The imprisonment of Bard the Bowman and Gandalf, governance of Thorin to the Lonely Mountain, Legolas' battle with the Orcs, Smaug's ruinous attack over Lake Town, and the appearance of the necromancer - scenes to look forward subsequently.

An unknown character will be extricating the Bowman from prison and supposedly, Bard will lead his way into defeating the Smaug. More events follow on The Battle of Dol Guldur, The Battle of Five Armies

Thorin Oakshield will preside over an army to the Lonely Mountain. According to spoiler news, Thorin will remain alive. He is said to be presenting Bilbo with a Mithril armour.

Legolas is reported to run after Bolg, enmesh himself, and skirmish with the Orcs. Upon finding Azog and his fleet, Legolas will be the one governing unity amongst men, dwarves, and elves to battle and defeat common enemy. Romance triangle continues between Legolas, Tauriel, and Killi. King Thranduil, father of Legolas, is more likely to absolve himself and to head the fleet to fight Azog. A battle to commence in the ruins of Dale might arise involving Gandalf and Thranduil.

"I think it will probably be quite a cinematic event," Richard Armitage, Thorin, spoke on an interview. He affirmed the remarkable battle and phenomenal imagery of a realistic fastasy combat.

Beor and the Eagles are said to rescue the good men from quietus.

Moreover, the battle between the necromancer and the White Council leads to Sauron's demise.

Frodo, portrayed by Elijah Wood, is reported to appear on the end of the film since he was the one who opened the book of The Lord of the Rings.

The soon-to-be award-winning film will premiere on December 12 in the United Kingdom, and December 17 in the US.

The hobbit, The lord of the rings, Movie, Peter jackson, Entertainment

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