"Captain America 3" Plot, Premiere Date, Cast Update: The Falcon replaces Captain America; Is Marvel film threatened by DC's "Batman vs. Superman: The Dawn of Justice"?


A greater cinema feud between Marvel and DC is set to unfold as "Captain America 3" and "Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice" shares the same premiere date.

The competition between Marvel and DC comics isn't new to its fans; but the battle just rose to new level with the announcement of the premiere dates for both films. According an official interview in Headlines & Global News, Marvel's President Kevin Feige revealed, "We are doing what we've always done, which is sticking to our plan and sticking to our vision for the movies going forward and we have a very large vision that we're working on for Cap 3 and for all the three movies and just because another movie plops down onto one of ours doesn't mean we are going to alter that. Maybe we should, but we're not going to."

Additionally, the two have topped the list of blockbuster movies where "Man of Steel" earned $668 million while "Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier" garnered $712.7 million.

Meanwhile, Chris Evans (who plays Steve Rogers) of "Captain America" was confirmed by Marvel's Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada to be exiting the production as Sam Wilson (The Falcon) replaces him.

"Steve [Evans'] spirit is as willing as ever, but his body is no longer up to the task of being Captain America. So he'll instead employ his skills as the new Cap's remote strategic advisor, running missions from his headquarters in Avengers Mansion and providing Sam with technical support and field information from a distance," a quote from a Marvel editor was reported by KPopStarz.

The two films is set to premiere in 2016.

Will you first watch "Captain America 3" or "Batman vs Superman: The Dawn of Justice"? Let us know your big choice below in comment box.

Captain America 3, Marvel Comics, Dc comics, Premiere Date, Plot Rumors, Cast Update, Spoilers

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