Jason Segel dating another Dawson’s Creek alum? Katie Holmes denies dating 'Sex Tape' star, focused on motherhood, work instead


It was just back in February 2013 when reports revealed that Jason Segel had split up with Michelle Williams, former star of the hit TV show "Dawson's Creek." The recent buzz surrounding the actor is that he is allegedly moving on with another one of the cast members of the show: Katie Holmes. Segel and Holmes got to work alongside each other when Katie starred in an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" and KpopStarz reported that the rumors have circulated that during that time, the two were said to have been seeing each other and casually dated.

However, it seems that the former Mrs. Tom Cruise has since denied the rumors of the suspected romance between her and Segel, adding the fact that the last time they ever saw and talked to each other was the time they filmed for the show back in 2011. Hello Daily News received word from Katie's rep, Leslie Sloane, who stated on the record that the dating rumors are untrue. Moreover, Katie herself said as well that she is not dating at the moment.

Quoting her interview for the August 2014 issue of Glamour, US Weekly said Holmes, looking rather lovely in 70s poses, told the magazine, "I am really focused on motherhood and work right now," she said.

Referring to her latest film, the upcoming dystopian society movie "The Giver," Holmes recalled about filming, ""Being in a movie with Meryl Streep was a huge dream come true. When the cameras rolled, she was spot-on and such a pro. It was just a thrill to walk on set with her."

She also gushed about her daughter Suri and said about watching "Frozen" all the time, "I've seen "Frozen" a lot. But the biggest change? I think you don't know-I didn't know how much love I had in me. It's overwhelming. Every day I discover more about this spectacular human being I get to be the mother of."

Segel, on the other hand, seemed to be aso busy with work as well. Fresh from "Sex Tape," Segel expressed his eagerness to explore new roles and venture out from the fun-loving, adorable guy friend and husband he is known for in "How I Met Your Mother." He told Guardian Liberty Voice, "My goal right now is to keep walking through fear," he continues. "I think everyone has that feeling that they are meant for something more. That there is this form of self-actualization that has yet to occur. Fear is the only thing that stops us achieving our goals."

Katie Holmes

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