Apple gets a failing grade for Canadian geography


Geography has again stumped Apple Inc, with the technology company mixing up and relocating both Canada's largest city and its national capital on a map showing when different parts of the country can expect new iPhone deliveries.

Not only did Apple's Canadian website misplace Toronto and Ottawa, it incorrectly placed Edmonton west of Calgary, and missed the apostrophe in St. John's, screen grabs from local media showed. The offending map was quickly removed.

The error prompted a new round of light-hearted digs at the Apple, which has a history of getting lost with its maps.

"You would think they could've asked Siri for help with that," said Twitter user Jennifer Hoegg, referring to Apple's voice-recognition software.

The latest snafu echoes the launch of Apple Maps, which replaced Google Maps as the default mapping application in 2012 to a chorus of complaints over errors and omissions.

CEO Tim Cook quickly apologized for those problems at the time and took the unusual step of recommending rival services.

The Canadian mishap was unfortunate on the day the smartphone and computer company began taking pre-orders for its iPhone 6 models, which quickly outpaced supply, especially for the Plus version with a larger screen.

Customers might have to wait three to four weeks to get their hands on the iPhone 6 Plus, while most versions of the smaller iPhone 6 should ship between 7 and 10 business days.

Canada, Apple, IPhone 6

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