Steer clear of these five social media no-no's from Andromeda Media


Social Media has been so ingrained in our lives that it already poses so much threat and risks. Almost two billion people worldwide had become part of global social media. And undeniably, social media has a profound effect as a business tool. However, there is a huge responsibility that comes with an accessible and interactive social media.

According to WebLink International, the immense power that resides in the virtual hands of social media is undeniable. Thereby, it results to a rapid ability to share information, news and opinions. This list aims to prevent any social media boo boos that can result into an enigma of negative impact to your business. Andromeda Media gives us very useful insights on social media no - no's.

5. Posting the same updates across all your social media.

It is a cardinal sin to post the same updates, word for word, across all your social media because it connotes lack of creativity. Every social media has their own audiences and purpose, tailor fit your company updates so as to pique the interest of your target market from different sources of your social media. This also shows your creativity and attention to details. Always keep it interesting and unique to encourage shares, replies and comments.

4. Be subtle, do not oversell.

Do not promise for the moon and stars, and only to give a handful of dust. Whether in social media or any form of marketing efforts, it is imperative to never oversell your product. Social media is a great avenue to increase company visibility and generate sales. But, it should also be in conjunction to your other marketing venues. Meaning to say, use the social media as your lead marketing hub but not as a one-way sales communicator. Share your news, encourage interaction with the customer and produce positive views in order for you to generate return of investment.

3. Respond to negative comments.

It is easier for some companies to remove negative comments in order to keep their social media image positive and pristine. Every company or businesses should always value customer's feedback because it can help you and your company understand the needs of your market. So the next time a hater posts on your page, respond and look for solutions that will be beneficial to both parties.

2. Incorrect grammar and misspelled words

This social media no-no seems to be easy and petty to earn a place in this list. But, as a business entity, it is equally important to uphold a certain level of educated posts. Social media are full of grammar Nazis and bashers, never make your company page an easy target. Remember that your social media page is the customer's way to interact with you and displaying incorrect grammar and misspelled words can result to a huge ramification to you and your company. In order to avoid this issue, make sure to double check your work and give a once over to your posts.

1. Using short language to your business page

Just like second item, it is also important to maintain your posts as brief as possible. Your target audience on your social media are educated people who want to know more about your company and browse through your product. Therefore, your posts should also, and always be smart, proof-read and consistent.

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