Amazon Fire Phone Review Roundup


Amazon should take cues, especially after receiving negative reviews from its first smartphone. It is, in such a way is expected because of the highly competitive industry of smartphones.

Here is a quick Amazon Fire 3D Smartphone review roundup.

Low Performance

People commented about the so-so performance of the Amazon Fire. According to CNET, it has a "slightly sub-prime specs and the quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor struggles to respond." The physical appearance of the phone does not match with other smartphones. In addition, it has a weak battery life that is so disappointing, it only lasts for a day of normal usage. What's good about this product is its 13-megapixel rear camera with optical image stabilization (OIS) though it is somewhat slow in capturing images.

Smartphone Gimmick

Geoffrey Fowler of the Wall Street Journal compared the phone to a grown-up that is equivalent to a kid having his hands in the air while riding a bike. Amazon Fire phone is "full of gimmicks" and "lacking basics" according to him.

Weak App Selection

According to Apple Insider, the Amazon Fire phone is based on Android. Users have to know that they are not real Android devices because they are still in the process on getting everything brought over to Android. When a person has a plan to use this smartphone, the user should expect that they will be locked out of the official Google apps and cannot access the main Play Store.

Device for Amazon Services

It is not a surprise that this device will have a special button for Amazon services. It is like a smartphone made to force its users to other Amazon products. Amazon Fire is a giant Buy Now button for Amazon's products and services.

Despite all the negative reviews and comments pushing the phone down, many people are still interested with this smartphone. Of course, it will always be the consumers who will make the final decision for their purchase.


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