Axl Rose found dead? Fans go crazy over the rumored news that the last remaining original member of Guns 'N Roses had died


Tuesday late afternoon, rumors spread over the internet that the front man rockstar of Guns n' Roses, Axl Rose has died.

A fake article surfaced stating that Axl Rose was found dead at the age of 52 in his West Hollywood home. The false report, which was designed to look line an MSNBC report said that he was found by the police around 3:30 PM after a call for a welfare check was made.

Part of the fake report said, "The home was entered by police through an open back door where a body was found in the foyer area. We have found no signs of abuse or foul-play and have returned the case over to the coroner's office to make a final ruling on the cause of death." The report even quoted a certain "Ofc. William Tenpenny".

The site immediately went viral and fans of the rockstar singer and Guns N' Roses took to social media to show their concern over the heartbreaking news. Some showed concern on the rumored demise of the rockstar while inadvertently spreading the link to the fake report published by the fake website but generally the fans wholeheartedly expressed their sympathy to the death of the idol. Some fans reacted on Twitter by saying, "Axl Rose found dead? Beware, strong chance you'll hear a real bad version of Knockin' On Heaven's Door Today." - @markusrill" and "SO I WAKE UP AND SEE A BUNCH OF "Guns N' Roses frontman, Axl Rose, was found dead this morning" ARTICLES ON FACEBOOK AND HAD A PANIC ATTACK" - @xrocknroll"

Hollywood Life has reported that the same website had caused the same prank when they spread the rumor that Macaulay Culkin died last November. Celebrity death hoaxes have become a recurring theme in the internet. The Examiner reported that big names in the movie industry like Judd Nelson, Macaulay Culkin, Adam Sandler, Jeff Goldblum, Jackie Chan, Jon Bon Jovi and more have become victims of these death hoaxes as well.

The good thing was, the veteran singer took the hoax lightly and even joked about it according to Blabbermouth. To show his "Patience" over the hoax, Axl Rose tweeted, "If I'm dead do I still have to pay taxes?"

Celebrity news, Jackie Chan

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