Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray Share a "Dorf-Murr" Thanksgiving on Instagram... Whatever That Is


What the hell is a Dorf-Murr Thanksgiving?

In case you're unaware (and we were unaware for such a long time), a Dorf-Murr is the blending of a Dorfman and a Murray. As in, Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray (also, why not a Murr-Dorf? Well, whatever).

Dorfman and Murray aren't married yet, and it's doubtful either one will change his or her name to that horrid abomination, but they spent a cozy Thanksgiving with their families. It's their first Thanksgiving together since getting engaged on "The Bachelorette," and this year both their families spent the holiday together.

Dorfman posted a photo of the two families together (check it out above) and posted updates throughout the rest of Thanksgiving Weekend, as her and her family roasted marshmallows and snacked at Waffle House and did a lot of Black Friday shopping.

All in all, it sounds like a successful Dorf-Murr holiday. And something that flies in the face of the constant rumoring that Dorfman and Murray are headed to an early breakup. Unless they've been planning the most elaborate hoax of all time, spending an entire holiday weekend with each other's families is a lot to ask.

Also, the couple posted what look like wedding photos online a few months back, so clearly they've been planning this thing for a while. Either they're freakishly committed to this wedding hoax... or it's just not a hoax.

But that's not the only thing Dorfman's been posting on Instagram. For Woman Crush Wednesday, Dorfman posted a pic of herself with her sister- and the two look terrifyingly similar. Here's what Dorfman added to the image:

"#wcw to my one and only Shishy! There is no love in the world like a sister's love. Love you to the moon and back @racheldiner."

Commenters on Instagram immediately took notice of how similar Dorfman and her sister looked, and began commenting away.

Check back soon for the latest news on Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray.

Andi Dorfman, Josh Murray, Andi Dorfman Josh Murray News, Andi Dorfman and Josh Murray engagement, The Bachelorette

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