'Revenge' Season 4 Comeback Spoilers: Emily to live or die? Victoria, Daniel to make up with Emily before her bittersweet quest


"Revenge" spoilers suggests that David will involuntarily cause Emily and Victoria to become roommates. Viewers will witness the two women getting David's threats of facing untoward consequences in their lives if they don't efforts to get along well in one roof.

In the upcoming episode for the first month of 2015, fans will see David yelling at Emily and Victoria. David is going to warn the two ladies that Emily taking caution against Victoria is the only way for the two to make it alive, in the long run.

Emily and Victoria will see how David manipulate things to get his way. Emily is likely going to be tempted to exercise her quest for more revenge, in the long run, as anger is felt everywhere.

As of the question of Emily's survival in the midst of her quest to get vengeance, Enstarz revealed that series creator, Nayar informed Entertainment Weekly of this analysis formulated:

"Regardless of how the story ends, there has to be something bittersweet to it, because of all the losses that have come along the way and because of everything that's happened," he said.

In parting, he disclosed, "Her appearance in the Hamptons at the beginning of the show has caused a ripple effect that has led to victories and losses that are so epic that I think it will be hard-however it is we choose to end her story-for her to just walk away feeling perfect about everything."

"Whether she [Emily] lives or die, honestly we don't know yet." Because of the gravity of the losses that accompanied Emily's entire vengenance quest, critics expect things to become bittersweet, regardless whether Emily lives or not."

As of the question of survival of the male lead character, Daniel, Sunil Nayar had this theory to say, as reported in an interview in TV Line via an IDigital Times article:

"Josh [Bowman] and I spoke at the beginning of the season about the journey we wanted to take Daniel on,"

"He and I were on the same page, wanting to take a big swing at the end of our winter finale, and wanting to see if we could do it in a redemptive way; that moment between [Emily and Daniel] was so beautiful at the end. It was also a way for us to keep shifting what the show is about so we never get complacent and the audience never knows what's coming next."

As Josh Bowman's desire to leave the show becomes imminent, Daniel is not likely going to return to "Revenge." Fans need to be prepared for unexpected twist of events, though. "Revenge" has traditionally been known to have brought characters that have departed back to life in the past.

Will viewers see Daniel again? What about, Emily, David and Victoria? Will things improve between these three characters?

Stay tuned, as Revenge premieres its new 2015 season on ABC, January 4 at 10 p.m!

Revenge Season 4, Revenge season 4 spoilers, Tv show, TV series, ABC Network

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