Leah Jean Waldhart Trial Postponed due to Crime Lab Concerns — Justice Delayed for Wylesky


Leah Jean Waldhart allegedly killed her boyfriend, Curtis Wylesky, fourteen years ago. Both were cocaine users but claimed that they have stopped prior Wylesky's death. They have been together for almost 3 years before the incident happened.

The agony of both Wylesky's family and the defendant will be stretched longer as the trial was postponed to a later date, a source says. The main reason why the trial has been moved is because of a certain crime lab concerns. It seems that the evidences are yet to be fully examined. We will have to wait until April to see the progress of the trial. For some, this excuse is very unprofessional. True enough, the evidences should be ironed out by now. The delays are unacceptable most especially for a cold case like this.

The initial report said that Wylesky died because of cocaine overdose. However, investigators were puzzled on how it was taken. A witness said Waldhart confessed that she killed Wylesky by giving him the said substance. There were letters found in Wylesky's residence. The letters are said to be from Waldhart as she believed that he was cheating on her.

On April 23, 2001, someone has found the dead body of Wylesky. There were also blood marks in his truck.

The authorities were having doubts that the cause of death was natural. They knew that something fishy happened. That's why they have exerted a lot of effort in the investigations and they have even asked the public to contact them if they are aware of anything that will help solve the case. In fact, there was a cash reward for it, based from a report.

Everyone is hoping that by April, there will be no delays in the trial. It has been pending for so long and it needs to be closed as soon as they can.

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